Me and my kiddo

Me and my kiddo

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sea Ranch Visit with Grammy and Grandpa

This post will be a quick catch up for the summer with lots of pictures!  After Cameron camps and lots of mellow time, we had a delightful visit to Sea Ranch and loved this house!

Andrew got a break from his new job at Looker and we all finished up the summer with lots of smiles!  Cameron in now three days into his first experience with middle school!  So... picture fun to end the summer and start the school year :)

Gorgeous Sea Ranch... Love it here!

Walks and games and happy Tracker… he had fun trying to dig rocks away from the ocean

Cameron had several bouts of tween grumbles, but  we got over it and had a rousing round of family Twister

Fearless heron walking along the cliffs
Cameron is doing so much better with swimming skills!

Walked the whole Sea Ranch coast with my mom over the visit :)

Here's to a delightful fall!