Me and my kiddo

Me and my kiddo

Monday, February 21, 2022

Past the Crossroads

And we're past the crossroads; it feels like I wrote this yesterday. Recently these both arrived, so my eighteen year old now has a high school diploma and an Associate's of Science degree.

For the past two months he has been working at H&R Block preparing taxes and is already a level two tax preparer. That job is usually seasonal however, so in another two months he'll likely be choosing either starting a Bachelor's degree or another job.

My concerns from the crossroads are still present. The asynchrony sets him up for expectations of being more socially mature than he is and the consequences of a legal adult misreading a social situation are so much more severe. But, he has mastered the route of driving to and from work. He has applied some of the skills he learned working at Subway to this job without being prompted. He's on his own path, one independence skill at a time and I can only do the best I can to support that growth.  

I'm feeling once again that parenting via the morphing relationship over a child's lifetime is the hardest roll I've ever undertaken. At least for me, there has been nothing that comes close to the challenge, neither emotionally nor cognitively. I'm enjoying this moment with a little heartache too... and re-sharing my favorite of our family photos. There are days that this smile lights up my world and days that it feels like the anguish with never end.  Despite the roller coaster, I am so grateful for the journey and ready for wherever the next bend leads.