Me and my kiddo

Me and my kiddo

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

For the love of learning

So darn delightful!  Yay for the joy of learning :)  This is after lots of work on the multiplication table over the last few weeks... still cementing that knowledge through application.

I don't think it's possible to watch this without feeling the infectious enthusiasm of a kid relishing their accomplishments.  Here's to the joy of learning!


  1. Amazing! Awesome! Incredible!
    (Cameron's proud Grandma)

  2. Thanks, Grandma :) He's definitely a special seven year old!

  3. Tell Cameron I said his multiplication of this humongous number is really snazzy. :)

    Don TP

  4. Cameron says he did a two digit multiplication times a humongous number today! Thanks, Don :)
