Me and my kiddo

Me and my kiddo

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Deeply Cherished Vacation: Part 3

Part 1: Phoenix, Chorus competition (September 13-17. 18th travel.)

Part 2: Paris (September 19- 22. 23rd travel.)

Part 3: Normandy (September 24-30. October 1st travel.)

Part 4: Videos, Andrew's pictures of me/gems

We had a lovely start strolling the beach at low tide and then Andrew got sick. From the afternoon of the 24th to the evening of the 27th he dealt with a nasty cold... cough, chills, malaise... all the ickies. Aside from TLC, I took long walks in the rain and carried in all the food from the village. He gradually improved with lots of rest... this was the perfect place for that!

The lovely place we stayed and day 1:

We even had a good evening, catch-up chat with our college boy!

Day 2:

The crepe place is amazing even though the hours they're actually open seems rather eclectic! I brought Andrew a to-go crepe too.

Day 3:

Andrew started a fire early

Day 4

By the end of the day, Andrew was feeling so much better! He went out around 8pm for his own crepe delights!

Day 5
Off to Mt. St. Michel... it's been on my bucket list since I was a teen!

Getting closer
So excited!!!

This amazing treat just inside the gate (they claim to be the best Omelette in the world x 130 years:

Beautiful moments climbing up and up

Inside the abbey, starting with the lower buildings and moving up:

And gradually moving down:

Bye... so glorious!

Back in Villerville:

Day 6
Gentle exploration of Honfleur, Equemauville, and Sait-Gatein- des-Bois:

Moelleux au chocolat noir is a new favorite!

Back in Villerville with the sky properly threatening and the rain drops pattering by around 3pm:

Day 7
Leaving Villerville for Versailles and then then airport hotel!

Driving to Versailles... Andrew was amazing with all the crazy narrow roads (in the towns) and all the narrow spaces! Just as we pulled up to the airport hotel he wound up grazing the side of the car on a barrier (Hertz is charging us), but I give him all the credit for rocking the driving during this trip! I would have been a mess with all the challenges, including the manual transmission!

But before that arrival at the airport hotel... there was Versailles! Long lines and we were both on the cranky side, but it was definitely worth the stop before returning the rental car.

Car returned, night at the airport hotel, up early, through security, and a quick flight to Frankfurt. 

Nice layover without any rush and then... Frankfurt to Denver direct! Well... it was supposed to be. We got detoured to Chicago near the end due to "high winds" in Denver. They had us sit on the tarmac, refuel, and then continue on to Denver which added about five hours... 24 hours of travel total in-a-row. We crashed hard last night in our own beds but we're home!

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