Yay for my mom's awesome photo-editting! Her efforts resulted in a family photo where we're all smiling :)
Other things to share:
• I loved learning about the man who has saved more lives than anyone else in history. The guy is amazing!!! Maurice Hileman developed nine vaccines and has such an endearing, cantankerous, go-do-it attitude! (Vaccinated: One Man's Quest to Defeat the World's Deadliest Diseases
• The best cake wrecks in a long time... my husband and I were both laughing out loud!
Cute antics:
• chanting to a lulla bye tune, "Take the pawn. It's a good move." (Um, ya, pawn for queen sounds like a grand trade!)
• wondering why the narrator of my Conquistador film was saying "spanish", he assumed they used to say "spinach" differently.
Photo editing is another way for you to tell your story, or get across what you were trying to capture when you took the photo. What you capture in the camera sometimes does not accurately reflect that moment. Firstly, because we might not get our settings quite right in camera, but also because you can enhance a mood or a general feeling in processing that you will never really be able to fully capture in camera.