Me and my kiddo

Me and my kiddo

Friday, August 6, 2010

iMac Love

After months of joint musing about my computer challenges, my husband surprised me by bringing home a new iMac!!!!!!!  It's so pretty :)

Other things to share:
This week's Objectivist Round Up.
Cute Antics:
• "That's a prohibitty mail." (Reading the "Priority Mail" box.)
• explaining why he was choking, "On purpose, I put jerky into my trachea. I wanted to make sure it was the wrong pipe."
• adding two bear cubs to one of the creepiest places in Lord of the Rings. (We were doing a visualizing exercise on the tunnel entrance to Shelob's lair.)
• requesting game time with Andrew, "We have time before you extremely, extremely, extremely have to go to work."  


  1. Looks fantastic. Hope you have fun!

  2. Thanks, I'm still getting used to the tiny keyboard, but I love how sleek everything is!
